Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tikal Photos

pics of ruins in the Acropolis
the star wars esque view from the top of temple V.

Me at the top of temple V. I was about to light a smoke from the top when I accidentally dropped my lighter down the steps (see pic below for perspective), i was bummed cuz i wanted a smoke. being at teh top of temple V was the best part of Tikal, the view was amazing, I watched monkeys swing across the trees in front of me. Once you've seen most of the big temples, the rest are kind of "meh", you've seen them one you've seen them all.

Me at the bottom of Temple V. It's a big temple, I'm not even standing right next to it, i'm actually quite a bit in front of it.

me at a random temple, Temple I possibly.


  1. heh - yeah I donno if I would go after the ligher either. Backup is key!

  2. What? It looks like you're eating ice cream in front of the big temple. Have they got like a Baskin Robbins out front or something?
