Thursday, July 29, 2010

Random Pics

Here I am at a rodeo, again. this one was different in that there were cowboys on horses that would rope the bull and pull it out of the pen and then tie it against this tree so a rider can get on. This running of the bulls wasn’t nearly as fun as the one I went to in Guatemala. The bulls in this one didn’t do anything, they didn’t run around after the crowd. If anything, you had to be more careful of the horses that the cowboys were riding, at any time there were up to 8 of them in the pen. This was at that festival in Ometepe, I didn't get to see a chicken fight, to my disappointment.

sunset at Isle de Ometepe

Che painted on the wall at the Hospedaje Central hostel in Ometepe,

quote painted on the bathroom wall at the Bigfoot hostel in Leon, and yes, that is a basket of used toilet paper.

"Impossible doesn't exist" painted on the bathroom wall at the hostel in Leon. Me making trying to make it true.

also painted on the bathroom wall at the hostel in Leon

funny and true graffiti in Leon. But are they referencing Bush I or II?

cool looking table in the cafe at El Tunco, with my notebook and Fanta.

me feet

the 3 dollar grilled chicken plates I lived off of in El Tunco. The chicken pieces are usually bigger than what you see in this pic.

cool looking wall in El Tunco

The pier at La Libertad. All the fisherman boat are parked on the pier and whenever they want to go in or out of the water, they have to be hoisted by this crane.

Above three pics are cool graffiti art they had at the tourism center at La Libertad

boy with his pet lizard on the bus to El Elsalvador. It even had a tiny little vest and leash.

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