Thursday, July 29, 2010

Maderas Nicaragua

Maderas was cool. It's a beach break with lefts and rights, with better lefts. It is totally tide dependent, a solid swell will disappear during low tide. The best time is to get it on a rising medium tide. Offhore winds all day long. It got super ridiculously crowded on Tuesday, I think everyone was there for the swell that didn't come that day, there was 45-50 people (half of them kooks) spread out along on the beach. the locals here like to drop in a lot. The swell showed up on wednesday, it was solid overhead waves. Pretty fun and it wasn't crowded either. There were tons of tourists who would show up for surf lesson and they'd crowd the inside. The guys outside weren't much better. Just like El Salvador the ratio of experienced guys to kooks was like 1.5:1.

The hostel I stayed at sucked. You can't beat if for location though , cuz it was literally on the beach, ten feet from the high tide line. But it was "rustic" to put it optimistically. Water was scarce for the showers and toilets, the kitchen closed around 4:30pm, there were lots of bugs, and rats ate my bread (I had to hang it like i was in bear country). The food was expensive as well. It was generally a dump.

But again, the location couldn't be beat. There were lightning storms the first two nights i was there, beach bonfires the second night and fireflies all around. The people there were cool, we would chill out on the porch and drink and they'd smoke a lot of pot.

on the third night, i was totally alone on the deserted beach. The owners of the hostel left, the other backpackers left, there are no other hotels or houses nearby. It was just me. It was spooky but also a really cool feeling to be so isolated. I got stoned drinking warm rum with even warmer coke. I sat on my porch in the moon lit dark and stared out at nothing all night long.

at nights, it would storm and the rain falling on my tin roof would wake me up even with earplugs, it was so loud.

I had lots of fun though, I spent 4 nights there.

Me staring at the waves from my porch. I would sit and stare for hours, waiting for the tide to be right to go out. I think the best thing to do would be to stay at the hostel only if the medium rising tide is in the early morning, that way you'd be the first one in the water every morning, you can avoid the local day trippers and the surf camp groups. I am tired of having to run around trying to find a bodyboard rental place that doesn't carry one piece of water logged shit with one size small fin. I missed half a day because I had to go back into town to get a real bodyboard and fins, luckily I found a place that rented a good board with fins and rashguard for 8 bucks a day. The board I chose was a big one, I figured I needed the speed. It was huge, probably a 43, which is an inch bigger than anything I've ever ridden before*.

view of the bay maderas is in, and my rum and coke.

view of the bay and the taco stand next door

sunset at maderas

that is the hostel I I stayed at. Notice that ther is nothing else nearby. the closest hostel-hotel was probably a 15 minute walk up the hill or down the beach.

set wave at Maderas on Wednesday. kooks in the inside. I was having a good time on Wednesday until my leash broke, I guess I was charging it too hard. Actually, I was super stoned and making lots of stupid wave choices, I purposely air dropped late on a closeout left and I got blown up and my leash just tore. I was kind of pissed at first because I thought I would have to pay the rental place for the leash, but when I got back to San Juan Del Sur, I bought some super glue and glued the ripped out part of the leash back into the swivel mount and they didn't notice. So I got away with that (good thing for my budget). I didn't stay out too much longer after my leash broke cuz I got tired of swimming after it everytime I lost it.

*That's what she said.

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