Monday, July 19, 2010

El Tunco: Friday

I woke up at 6am this morning to surf, but it looked really shitty. the tide was high and it just looked small and mushy everywhere, so I decied to catch a chicken bus back to la Libertad (25 cents) and check out Punta Roca. I think it was the right call. it was a head high at the peak but still fun. That spot definietly has potential. there are three seperate little breaks, Punta Roca proper and two smaller inside breaks in the bay. on teh right swell I can see that wave lining up anywhere bewteen 200-300 yards.

Theres not much to do in El Tunco in the eveings, so luckily I've been watching movies at this bar/restaurant called Al Suave. I watched Sherlock Holmes and Inglourious Basterds, the past couple nights. and listened to pink floyd's The Wall. weird.

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