Monday, July 12, 2010

16 Killed In El Salvador Bus Attack

Reporting from San Salvador — At least 16 people were killed when street gangs attacked two passenger buses, spraying one with bullets and dousing the other with gasoline before setting it on fire in a congested neighborhood in the Salvadoran capital, police said Monday.

The attacks represented a dramatic surge in ongoing street violence attributed largely to gangs but exacerbated lately by a growing presence of drug traffickers, authorities say. Police say gangs have been demanding protection money from bus companies, and major criminal forces, including drug cartels, are believed to be recruiting gang members to do their dirty work.

- Los Angeles Times

One of the funnest parts of hostel living is waiting for other backpackers to leave and seeing if they dropped any loot.


  1. At Q35 a night, I'm predicting they ain't leaving all that many Rolexes.

  2. here's the deal..if you manage to slap one of those gunmen on the are automatically the winner of every other contest from here on out...
