Monday, July 19, 2010

El Tunco:friday

I mentioned to some people at the hostel that at the pier in La Libertad you could get fresh stingray (and baby hammerhead sharkts). Shandra jokingly suggested we get some and cook it up at the hostel. Anna took that seriously and decided to do it. So a big group of us went down to La Libertad and went to the pier and bought sting ray and red snapper, we also went into town to buy some other ingredients. then we went back to the hostel and we cooked it up and had a stingray feast.

Picture of us cooking in the hostel kitchen

picture of the table where you can get your fish cleaned and filleted at the fish market.

one of the merchants suggested we cut the stingray up into small pieces and cook it with egg whites, salt, pepper and lime juice and cilantro. which is what we did. It was surprisingly good. I was vey skeptical at first. I was only going to have one or two bites, i thought it was going to taste really gross or fishy but it was actually quite good. it had a really light, delicate fishy taste. I think it was better than the red snapper we had, the snapper might have been a bit old.

us enjoying our stingray and red snapper and guacamole and chips dinner.

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