Monday, July 19, 2010

Small world

if theres one thing i learned on this trip, is that it is a small world. In the Papaya Lodge I was staying at in El Tunco, I met a Swedish girl named Kola. She lived by Tongs. Tongs the surf spot. Tongs right next to Waikiki. Tongs next to Kapiolani Park, Tongs, a 10 minute walk from my house. She was in El Savlador because she had to leave the states so she could get her visa renewed and go back into hawaii again.

another story about this small world of ours: I was in a shuttle on my way to Flores/Tikal with these three guys. two of them were from london and there was anothe girl on the shuttle from london as well. they started talking and they found out that she used to live on the same street as they did. and apparently, the guys had a friend who had a cat that ran away. Turns out, this girl (they never met before) took that cat in and adopted it. How crazy is that? strangers from london discovering a connection because of a cat on a shuttle bus in the middle of Guatemala.

One of the best part of hostel living is the scantily clad sweaty sleeping female bodies, you can see everything.

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