Monday, July 19, 2010

El Tunco: Crossroads

between the morning and evening sessions, i've been spending my days sitting in my hammock reading a book ( i picked it up just to kill a little time but I got sucked into it, it´s a bit of a modern-lit chick flick type of thing). But as I was sitting in my hammock today, I realized there was a young boy in the rocky river bank below me, he was fishing with string and hook. I watched him for a while and was deeply affected. He seemed so happy with the four guppy catfish looking things he caught. none of them were longer than my hand.

after that disturbing reminder of the poverty I was joyriding through, I had lunch. At lunch there was a stray dog that latched on to me and gave me puppy eyes the whole time I was eating. In the end, I gave him the chicken skin from my grilled chicken.

Between the book i was reading, the boy fishing for food, the dog begging for food, the Travel & Leisure magazine I read (which highlights the different dimensions the poor and rich live in) and the wad of greenbacks in my pocket I felt like I was at a crossroads. although there were lots of potentially paradigm shifting thoughts swirling in my head, they refused to articulate themselves as epiphany.

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