Monday, July 19, 2010

Leon, Nicaragua

The bus dropped me off at Leon in front of these two gas stations at 9pm at night. I bought a pastry, asked the security where the hell i was and then took a cab (which I hate doing at night with all my belongings on me) to my desired hostel. I found out that the two hostels I wanted to stay at were full, so I wandered around town in the rain at night to two other hostel which were also full. i finally find one that had space. i had been up for about 16 hours and I felt terrible when i finally got into bed. I realized later that i was sick. I spent that night, the next day and the next night in bed. totally comatose. I felt good enough to get out of that hostel by the second day, I wanted out of there cuz they had no food or water or even toilet paper in that place. Luckily I was only sick for for those two nights. ALthough I wish I hadn't gotten sick, I am thankful it wasn't worse. I don't know what it was that made me sick. it could have been that filthy water at El Tunco, something I ate, the exhaustion from all the bodyboarding and poor sleep or just some bug i caught.

If I hadn't gotten sick I might have been able to make it to the weekly Sunday Chicken fight I heard about from a guy named Mike (whom I had met at El Tunco and is at Leon now). Normally I don't approve of those kinds of things, but i'd do it for the experience.

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