Monday, July 19, 2010

El Tunco: Wednesday

all these pictures are of Sunzal. except for the dog with his nose in the bag of chips.

I was able to rent a bodyboard (with fins!) for USD$8 a day here, I was so happy and excited about that. I woke up around 6am and went out to Sunzal. The surf spot of El Tunco is disgusting. it's a river mouth break. They are all river mouth breaks actually, there are river everywhere here. But the water in front of El Tunco is so nasty. It's a murky brown water with bits of plastic and shit floating in it i wanted nothing to do with that, plus it's a shitty looking wave, closeout, short rides, choppy etc.... there were better looking waves further left and I actually paddled all the way out there, but when I looked towards the shore I saw in big giant spray painted letters "Only Locals". I decided to play it safe and paddle to a different spot. I found out later that gringos surf there all the time.

It was pretty good at Sunzal. it's kind of a soft wave, mostly a right, you can definitely catch lefts but you get stuck on the inside with no channel if you go left. I caught one left and was surprised to find myself deep in a barrel, I was not expecting it. I was so surprised I lost my board. I got blown up in the barrel and the bicep leash went straight off my arm. You have to catch it in the mornings when the waves are either really light or offshore and there are less people as well.

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