Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday and Flores to El Savlador

Today i continued to do what i was doing, eating delicious vegetarian food and resting. I watched a couple of documentaries that I already saw at home, Jesus Camp and Zeitgeist. The hostel here has a library of almost 200 interesting and relevant documentaries. I wrote down some names so i can watch them when i get home.

I got my haircut today for Q25. there were three barbers we checked out yesterday, one cost Q10, one cost Q20 and the last Q25. I decided to go with the Q25 place because the two guys who worked there looked gay. You can never go wrong with a gay hairstylist, that’s the way i see it. the other two places didn’t look as professional either.

I bought my bus ticket to El Salvador for tomorrow morning at 6am, it cost Q220 and will be about a 9 hour ride. But when somebody here says “9 hours”, it usually means 11 or 12 hours. I wasn’t planning to stop in El Salvador or Honduras, but I decided since my bus connection was in the capital city, San Salvador, I might as well spend a few days at the world class surf breaks near the city. So I will stop in San Salvador for a night probably on Sunday, then go to the city of La Libertad on Monday morning and either stay in La Libertad or go a little further down the beach to some of the smaller beach towns and check out the surf. Oddly, La Libertad and El Salvador were the only places I was sure I didn't want to go to in Central America because of their reputation for crime...

If someone reading this can translate the surf report for me, what does 5ft 12 seconds mean in terms of actual wave size? I am thinking 5-6 feet face?

After that, I will return to San Salvador for a bus to Managua, Nicaragua.

on a side note, I was walking down a hot dusty street on my way home after the haircut and I hear coming from one of the streetside vendors, Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance and a spanish cover of IZ’s version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

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