Sunday, July 11, 2010

So Happy

Words cannot describe how happy i am right now. The hostel I am staying in right now is amazing, PLUS I made it through my first day in San Salvador and El Salvador with all my earthly possessions and all my bodily parts. the hostel is so clean and so homey, I feel almost normal. It's actually a house in a residential neighborhood, so it feels like a home. They have minimalist decor which I love, bare white walls with olny the occasional colorful painting to break up the starkness. The bathrooms are clean and they have hot water! (which isn't working right now, but it's the thought that counts). plus i get a dorm room to myself. the only downside is this place costs USD $13 a nite. It was after she told me the price that I realized my guidebook for Nicaragua and El Salvador is from 2006. Why did I get such an old guidebook?

Simple things like a clean room can be revitalizing for morale after a long bus ride with nothing to eat for ten and a half hours but 40 ounces of water and a vegetarian sandwhich. The bus ride itself wasn't so bad because it was never super crowded so I had plenty of space to stretch out. However, the ride would have taken much less time if the driver hadn't stopped so often for pick ups and drop offs. Apparently it works like this:

executive buses: busliner AC, bathroom, sometimes food, direct to destination
2d class: busliner, no AC, no bathroom, stops frequently
chicken bus: converted school bus for local use, three to a seat, exhaust fumes, etc...

The bus I had, which was the only option from Flores to El Salvador, was basically a chicken bus considering all the dark skinned people (with chickens... real live chickens) it picked up along the way.

tomorrow I am going to try to catch a chicken bus to La Libertad and try to bodyboard and/or surf Punta Roca and the other breaks there.

James: A republican? she can take her Miss Bay Area crown, her dinner and her self-defeating illogical worldview and shove it up her culo.

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