Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The other guys left me, I'm alone now. Justin, Mike and John decided to go back to Puerto Escondido to chase the swell. The guys made a quick decision to go and before I knew it, I was by myself in an empty house. It was pretty sudden so I wasn't mentally prepared for it. The shock of being alone in Mexico all of a sudden (in a town like Salina Cruz no less) is quite... discombobulating.

I am a little scared, I'm not going to lie. On paper, it seems easy enough. But now that I am faced with the actual task of traveling across several foreign countries by myself, with bare minimum language abilities, it seems daunting. I decided to stay here in Salina Cruz because it is closer to my destination, has nice accomodations (with AC) and free food. At least I can recuperate for the next two days (I am exhausted) and start planning. I leave on friday night on a nightliner for Tapachula, Mexico, from Tapachula to Guatemala City, and then Guatemala City to Antigua.

I feel......actually, I don't know what I feel right now. When/If I find the words to communicate how I feel , I will blog it.

WHERE THE FUCK AM I ?!?!?! holy shit.


  1. The only thing that is important to remember is that the liver is evil and it must be punished.

  2. Guatemala city is pretty fucked right now - there is a gaping hole in the middle that swallowed a clothing factory.

  3. you are on the cusp of a great adventure..the fact that your tripping out is probably going to make everything that more enjoyable in the really dont need to speak that much sure you'll get along fine with the bare minimum...its all about getting the point across in the can do that fine with hand jestures and a few spanish words here and there.

  4. Si senor...all you need to know is cuanto cuesta una cerveza? or is that doce cerveza. And then everything muy bueno
