Friday, June 4, 2010

Mint Mojitos and Broken Ankles

Before Mexico, I only had one mint mojito in my entire life, that was at a hotel bar at my sister´s wedding. Since Mexico, I´ve had more mint mojito´s than was good for me. Tomorrow we leave Puerto to meet Justin and Mike to go to Salina Cruz to do some serious surfing.

The bad news is, I jumped off a wall while trying to make a trick basketball shot and kind of fucked up my foot. It´s not broken, but it might as well be. I´m hobbling pretty bad right now. Fuck. I´m stupid.

Update: I took this pic on saturday night, a day after I hurt my foot. Today is Monday. It is actually healing way better than I could have hoped for. I willed my body to heal. I kept telling my body/mind, "heal, heal, heal. You're only 26, heal!" and it seems to have worked. I thought i was going to be useless the whole week, but i think at this rate, i should be walking normal by wednesday, hopefully.

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