Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I win, John.

John, I win. This is a pic of me slapping a bulls ass. This was a BIG bull too. It kicked at me. Thank god the wood fence was in the way of the kick...

Obligatory pìc of cat living with us. His name is Gordo.

I love how all the exteriors of buildins in Antigua look alike, but you never know what you will find once you walk through the doorway. Door number 1 might be a ghetto guatemalan home like the one I am staying in (see pic above), door number 2 might be a quaint little alleyway (see below) and who knows what is behind door number 3, the mystery door. Is it going to be a beautiful courtyard, a boutique hotel, a cafe or something else?

John, you should have come to Antigua. Apparently there is a huge party scene here. Gringo City. I heard, and this is hearsay, at a bar the bartenderess was letting people motor boat her for tips, when the tequila song played she'd walk down the bar pouring tequila into anyone who had their mouth opened, and girls dancing on teh bar all night long.

Also, I found out that the alarm clock we were using when in Mexico was set to 5 hours ahead, when the time difference was only 4 hours. I think we were living an hour ahead of the actual time the whole trip and we didn´t even notice. lol. BUT, the alarm clock seemed to be at the right time in Salina Cruz so I don´t know what the fuck happened.

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