Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another Mezcal Sunrise Part 1: The Evening

Tuesday night, slept about 2-3 broken hours, woke up wednesday and surfed the zicatela waves you saw in the posts below. Hung out all day Wednesday, was really tired at night and wanted to sleep but couldn´t because of jet lag. I got out of bed around 10:30pm and decided to see what John and the four Irish girls were doing. Had a beer with them, then went to the bar across the street. Chilled there and drank till closing, then the bartenders brought us to a Salsa bar up in the town area, called Congo. It was pretty interesting. Drinking and dancing there till they closed around 3 or 4, went back to the beach bar, opened up the bar and had more drinks till sunrise. Oh lawdy! it was a fucking meat market all night long.

Everyone just hanging out at our favorite beach bar at the beginning of the night.

The salsa bar.

Two of the Irish girls in the dawn light. Aileen on left, Nicki on right

John, Matus the bartender , me and our crotches.

John and I decided it would be a good idea to walk down to La Punta from the bar to catch the morning session there (still drunk of course). The girls were still up (they are Irish after all) but didn´t walk down the beach with us (good decision on their part). So we walked down to La Punta (thought I was going to pass out at the end of the walk) and it was nice, while Zicatela was totally washed out, La Punta was going off at perfect fun 3-4 feet. I caught the best wave of my trip there, best waves in terms of barrel ride, not size. Then I went home and slept around 10:30am, but only for three hours. I dont know what has happened to my mind and body but...I don´t like it, I wish I could sleep. I decided to write off surfing and drinking for the rest of the stay in Puerto. I didn´t get nearly as drunk as I did on Monday nite, but still...5 hours of sleep in past 48 and surfing double overhead puerto and drinking and...something has to give soon.

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