Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Climbing through the mountains of Atitlan

Just kidding. This forest is actually the grounds of the spanish school i'm studying at. it's like a forest. Each teacher-student pair has a little open air hut spread out among walking paths in the garden. Very cool. literally and figuratively. I had to wear my poncho this morning because it was so chilly underneath the trees.

I took the weirdest shower a couple of days ago. It was simultaneously hot and cold and electrocuting me. The heating element in the shower head was leaking, so there was a stream of icy cold water coming down with the hot water. It felt like when you don't know whether something is burning hot or freezing cold. And since the shower head was leaking, if i put my hand close to the showerhead, it would tingle and shock my fingers.

1 comment:

  1. i've yet to encounter one of those heaters that worked properly..pain in the dick
