Wednesday, June 16, 2010

La Corrida del Torros: or Why Do I Do These Things?

Went to a “running of the bulls” on tuesday with my spanish school. It was part of a week of celebrations in the country side for some religious saint. There was a big corral made out of logs, vines and nylon twine. I took one look at the scene and knew I was going to have to get in on the action. So when they started running the bulls, I climbed into the big pen and took my place among the guatemalans. Heard lots of shouts/murmurs of “chino!”. I was the only Chinese guy there and the only one among our group of students that went in.

The first bull was kind of dull, it was too scared, i think. the second bull was much more exciting. when ever the bull ran one way, the entire crowd of guys would start swinging around in teh opposite direction in a giant swirling mass of bodies. It’s a lot like a mosh pit, but probably safer than a mosh pit. There were a couple of times when I found myself the last guy between the bull and the rest of the crowd because of ignorance, stupidity and a gimp foot, those were the best moments of course. but all in all, i don’t think it was that dangerous.

I took a lot of pics while inside the pen and shot one video of me running from the bull. It has a blair witch project style of cinematography, and I think it communicates really well the experience of running away from a raging bull. I can’t upload it to the blog right now, email me if you want it.

This big brown bull was HUGE. I'm glad I didn't have to deal with him. This is the one whose ass i slapped so it may have held a grudge against me, the chino who slapped his ass.

This was the first bull. It didn't do much so I got really close to it for the pictures.

The spectators outside the pen.

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