Tuesday, June 29, 2010

San Pedro La Laguna Recap and Preview

- Apparently, dating in small religious communities is different from the States. Once you start going out with someone, religoius and community pressures and tradition means you will probably spend the rest of your life together. There isn't much "shopping around".

- Went kayaking around the lake. Fun, but tiring. paddling against the wind and chop on the return was a horrible ordeal, sang all the songs i knew to keep my spirits up.

- made tortillas with "mom". It's super easy, gonna make them when i get home.

- Don't have much pictures because I couldn't find working batteries.

- Festival was interesting. Everyday there are tons of fireworks, they constantly shoot off huge mortars that don't even have fancy sparkles, they are just bombs that rattle my windows and shake the air. It rained a lot, which "dampened the air" of festivity. The street food was mediocre to my disappointment and the live music was too World for my tastes, I did buy a cool hat though.

- I met a Quaker who wants to work in health policy in America and under developed countries.

- Apparently, there are many israeli expat communities around the world because so many of them travel after their obligatory army service and end up staying wherever they visit. San Pedro has a pretty healthy population of Israelis.

Itinerary Preview:

Going back to Antigua tomorrow morning for a day or two. I plan on booking a tour to Pacaya Volcano from Antigua. after Pacaya, I will go up to Flores-Tikal (8 hour bus ride, ugh) and check out the Maya ruins at Tikal. After Tikal, I plan on going to Honduras and checking out the Copan ruins. After Copan, i don't know.

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