Saturday, June 19, 2010

Random thoughts

In case you don't believe me when I say that Antigua is really beautiful...

The pic above is from the rooftop terrace of Cafe Sky. That volcano is Volcan de Agua, the church is San Fransisco church.

Another one of the ruins around Antigua. If you are into ruins, this city is for you.

Walking around Parque Central at 11pm (not the safest thing to do) trying to score some stuff with a drunk crazy french girl who would sporadically yell "fuck!" because the Celtics lost to the goddamn Lakers.

Maybe I should get Facebook...I'm burning bridges before even crossing them.
Them: "do you have facebook?"
Me: "No."
-end conversation-

I am surprised by how much spanish I picked up from just one week of lessons. I am far from fluent but the basics and base i picked up is pretty impressive for one week. maybe i'm just fucking muy intelligente.

Going to go to Lake Atitlan tomorrow. Going to catch a shuttle in ANtigua and go to Chichicastenango first to check out the huge market they have on sundays, then from Chichi to Panajachel, from Panajachel catch a boat across the lake to San Pedro La Laguna and stay in a hostel and then go to my spanish school on monday.

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