Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Random Thoughts and Monday

I saw an Exploited and a Gorgoroth T-shirt in Guatemala. weird.

Haven't been punishing my liver. I've been letting my liver get away with a stern warning and a slap on the wrist.

I regret giving my rain jacket to justin to take home for me.

On monday, my first day of spanish class, I took a school excursion to a NGO school for under privileged kids in the countryside. It was your typical cinder block bunker with tin roof and exposed wiring. very much like what you see in those "sponsor a child for a dollar a day" info-mericals. Later that day, I took a salsa class. That was fun. "mas sexy!"

My guatemalan family is pretty skint. i had nachos for dinner my first night. Nachos. I'm a grown man, eating nachos for dinner is inappropriate. I don't know if they are really poor or are trying to save money by feeding us less. The house is very "authentic". I'm not complaining because "authentic" is what I wanted. My host mom is very nice, kind of cute actually.

Every day, every hour here is like the first day of classes in college. You have they exact same conversation over and over again: "what's your name?" "where are you from?" "hows your spanish?" "how long are you here for?" "how long have you been here?" "what do you do?" "whats your major?" etc.... But you do meet really cool and interesting people. As a whole, the backpacker group is more interesting than the general population. Lots of people doing righteous volunteer work, lots of people having mid-20s/mid-30's/mid-40's life crisises (like me), lots of students from all over the world and the States.

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