Friday, June 18, 2010

I've noticed that the subset of people that you find traveling in places like Guatemala is much more interesting than the general population. Truth. I meet people who are volunteering in various causes like teaching underprivileged children, taking care of the sick, taking care of kids who scavege for sustenance in the huge Guate City garbage dump, shoveling homes out of the mud caused by Tropical Storm Agatha, working for NGO’s, etc…. Everyone is so idealistic, and more impressively, they are so active. They are actually doing the righteous deeds. And not surprisingly, they all tend to be incredibly well traveled.

I thought this was pretty funny. This is the drink menu from my favorite bar/restaurant in Antigua, Cafe No Se (Cafe I Don't Know). They have cheap drinks, good food for fair prices and good gringo music. And they have wit. The menu says "we don't serve fucking mojitos unless*", and then the menus lists it as "1 Fucking Mojito Q1,975*including 10% gratuity". So one mojito here costs about 2,200 Quezatlis which is about USD$275. It's funny because the bartender back in Mexico didn't like making Mojitos because it was a pain in the ass but everyone always ordered it. I like how this bar prevents this problem. according to the bartender, a few people have ordered it and it becomes a huge event in the bar. which it is. almost 300 bucks for a mojito is pretty decadent.

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