Saturday, June 26, 2010


We went to a town across the lake called Santiago. It was pretty similar to San Pedro, but they had a Friday market we wanted to see. meh. We bought a gift for our "sisters" birthday. It was a really nice boat ride at least.

On friday, we were invited to a birthday party for the daughter of the host parents. We had tamales and delicious cake. There were lots of people there. Us, other students, friends of the family etc... afterwards went to the town center for a "festival". There is a week long festival happening now, friday night they chose the Queen, on Sunday they crown her, and onTuesday they do something else that is suppose to be really festive.

So, I am going to stick around in San Pedro until wednesday to participate in the festival. Street food, cerveza's, dancing and music... There are worse ways to pass a few days.

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