Saturday, December 13, 2014

Status Update

United airlines still the worst.
Sitting on the tarmac now for twenty minutes. Forty minutes behind schedule and counting.
Update: one hour, fives minutes behind schedule and counting....
Protip: if you got somewhere important to be, and you have to fly United, pad you itinerary with a few extra hours, you will probably need it.
Update 3: off the plane now , two hours and counting.  It's hard to communicate the depth of my distaste for this airline. This is all because of a missing part required to lock a food cart. They call this item a "no go", meaning you no go if you no have. It takes two hours to get to Boston. I say leave the cart behind, we will survive two hours without diet soda and $11 crackers with cheese.
Update 4: I am filled with so much hate for this company that has stolen four hours of my vacation away from me.  four hours of my precious life I will never get back.
This is your life and its ending one minute at a time.

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