Saturday, December 13, 2014

Airport people watching

People Watching in Airports: I've come to realize that the people in airports are generally attractive, rich, educated and polite.  Air travel is the privilege of the privileged.   In that vein, a small minority of travelers were black; I got a kick out of eavesdropping on three black guys on the airplane speaking intelligently about modern social issues, racism, poverty, inequality, Chicago electoral politics etc..., in, not ebonics but strong urban accents...this, while i was reading my the Wall Street Journal next to them.  It was the kind of thing I might expect to see in a Dave Chappelle skit, but it actually happened in real life.

there are some nice people in Chicago and Boston, I must say.  Maybe there was some sampling bias based on where I was, but people are pretty nice and helpful here.  Aloha spirit.... what does that even mean?

some cool things i'm missing out on in New York: the new cat cafe in New york (reservations all full into January) and the Million Man march that just took place earlier today for Eric Garner/Mike Brown/etc...

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