Sunday, December 14, 2014

Jacob wirth

Worst meal ever. So disappointed.
The quality of the picture matches the quality of the food

This was Jacob Wirth, a "german" restaurant.  The only reason i went was i saw decent reviews on Yelp and it was literally next door to the hostel.  It was so bad.  so, so bad.  This was to german cuisine what PF Changs is to chinese cuisine. 

Leopolds in SF sets the standard for me, and that one place in Hong Kong i went to a while ago.   I should have known this was no Leopold when I walked in and instead of being greeted by tall bosomy blond aryans in leiderhosen like at Leopolds, i was greeted by bored short dumpy latino girls.  Instead of tasteful german shctick on the walls and das boot mugs for beer, Jacob Wirth has kitsch on the walls and football on the multiple tv screens and a guy playing cover songs on piano.  Instead of a precise german menu, they had burgers and stuff and it seemed like german food was an afterthought on the menu.  I should have known better; I kind of did have a sense that I should have left, but I was so hungry and so tired from walking and standing all day at the game I didn't want to go somewhere else.  So disappointed. 

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