Saturday, December 20, 2014

Belly dancing and more food

I love the walls and ceilings draped  with cloth so that you feel like you're in a tent.

It's border line obscene how much I've been eating here.

This belly dancer makes me feel fat.

I feel like I'm in game of thrones, in Daenerys story line. The belly dancer is higher in hierarchy, but I'm intrigued by the older servant girl with the refined features and intense eyes wearing a peasant dress....

I wonder how much this belly dancer gets paid. and how much she enjoys what she does.  Is it a job?  or is it her passion to dance for strangers in a kitschy (but delicious) new york ethnic restaurant?  

Also, I can now cross "watch awkward white guy try to learn to belly dance" off my bucket list.  This was an interactive belly dancer and liked to make people dance with her.  

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