Wednesday, December 17, 2014

day one in NYC

what the hell did i do in nyc?

day one, i think was: arrive in town, put on game face, get slightly lost in Penn station, find the one train, find the hostel, check in and get bearings,

wish they had more of these helpful signs when i was traveling in central america. 

then somehow ended up in Times Square like a cliche tourist, scoped out Times Square, had a roast chicken meal in some hole in the wall cuban place right off of times square on 44th, called Margo or something like that.  it was good.

then I joined the hostel pub night thing for one dollar beers and three dollar shots where there was close to 20 of us, our designated hostel guide cancelled on us, so one of volunteered to lead the pack, we all take the subway there, find out the designated place was closed !, then bar hopped a few different places, this is where I fell in love with an english girl named Emma.  ended up drinking till 4am.  slept in late the next day.

Day two:
woke up late, walked to somewhere, the highline. meh.

got a little lost along the way.

how the hell did people like me survive without smart phones and GPS?  how does anyone get lost nowadays with smart phones and GPS?  by not being smart, that's how.

ate at fantastic mexican place on 7th ave.

then...went to times square again to try to score Hedwig tickets, got them.  enjoyed the show (except for the annoying Jewish women: loud italian jewish woman with another loud italian jewish woman at the play, with a head cold it would have been annoying if they weren't so awesomely cliche).  Props to the old couple who went to the show and was hesitant about what they were getting into and worriedly asked the usher if it was appropriate for them.

then....home and sleep.

Day three:  ate at delicious indian place for breakfast, Doaba (?) Deli on W 106th, open 23.5 hours a day (6am to 5:30am):
  this was seven dollars, including a chai!  seven dollars! with a chai!  Indian quality food at indian quality prices in Upper West Side manhattan. then....up to the cloisters, then down to brooklyn to walk across the  bridge but ran out of time.

now here, at home at hostel.  tired.  debating if i do the jazz club thing or strike out on my own.  jazz night club thing is 10 bucks cover plus 10 dollars food and drink minium, and i dont' even really like jazz that much....but live music is cool...i guess.  it's either that or....find some bansky art....or....go after those fish taco's at Cafe Hababa in Nolita or go shopping....or...IDK.

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