Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Brooklyn streets and bitter sweet symphony.
Bbq place in Brooklyn. Corner of myrtyle and carlton. Good. $10.50.   I can tell I'm not in the ghetto cuz of all the grocery stores and shops around here. On my way to find a bansky piece and maybe walk across Brooklyn bridge, then fish tacos at cafe habana in nolita.  Then.... Harlem tour at hostel?

well.  None of that happened.  realized it was late, I had to get from brooklyn to 103rd by 5:30pm to make the hostel harlem tour.  make it back with time to spare only to learn the tour was cancelled. wtf.  that's okay.  my feet are killing. might just chill at the hostel until it is time for the 9:45pm jazz club event.   my only regret for the wasted trip back to the hostel is the missed fish tacos.  

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