Saturday, February 4, 2012


I'm in bangkok now. I can't tell if I love bangkok, or hate india. It's possible that this city seems so awesome becuase it isn't India or Nepal. Clean streets, nice people, no cow shit, no spitting, clean air, warm, etc.... It's been a rough couple of travel days. I spent 16 hours in Mumbai international airport, paid 6 dollars for a beer there.

While I was actually in india, I was okay with living in the filth and felt ambivalent about it after I left. But after going to Nepal, which is India-lite, and now beautiful bangkok, I retroactively loathe India.

I'll be here long enough to get my vietnam visa, and to mail some stuff back home, but since it's the weekend i have to wait for the work week to get that done. then heading up north to do some WWOOFing, then back down to bangkok to catch a flight to Vietnam.

oh, and i'm definietly waking up at 5:30am to watch the superbowl at one of the local pubs here. I predict Patriots win it 34-20.

no pictures to post because I don't have much interesting photos.

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