Monday, February 27, 2012

Thailand Recap

back in BKK now, flying to vietnam tomorrow morning.

I've met two TV character dopplegangers here. My roommate at the WWOOF site was a london'er with a cockney accent and a face that looked very familiar. I finally figured this guy looked and sounded and acted EXACTLY like Badger from the show Firefly. I wondered if he was actually the same guy, possibly the actor on vacaction the resemblance was so uncanny.

Then I met a canadian girl who looked like Emily Deschanel of "Bones" fame. She even had the husky deep voice.

during my first stay in bangkok I got drunk, fell off the top bunk bed in the middle of the night when I tried to go to the bathroom and seriously hurt my foot. It put a serious damper on the chiang mai and chiang rai part of my trip and it only started feeling normal in the past couple days. I had to ice it and ibuprofen it as much as i could.

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