Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bangkok, man.

Been eating a lot of middle eastern food. delicious stuff.

Bangkok is a fun city, but I got pretty bored by it pretty quick. Going out with other backpackers is fun, but I wish my friends were here. it's pretty much the same thing every night and day. I want to get out of here and into the country and farm or build a house. Plus, it's not cheap. Well, they are by american standards, but by other South East countries, or india and nepal, this place is expensive. A beer could cost anywhere from 1 USD to 5 USD ,or more, depending on where you are. A meal with a beer, a bit of internet, a subway ride there, a pomegranate juice here and you're suddenly out ten or fifteen bucks. I'm not complaining. you can get by cheaply here. I just choose to eat lots of (sometimes expensive) food and beer.

like I said, I'm here to eat. In the day time I usually eat at a nicer restaurant, night time is the street food stalls, and the street snacks in between.

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