Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Recap: Varanasi: insanest fucking city ever.

Varanasi is intense. I've been in India for a month now but I was still shocked and disoriented by the traffic, the crowds and the narrow shit filled twisting alleyways. When you think of "India", this city is what you probably imagine.

walking the streets (here and in all of india) is like playing the old arcade game Frogger and a game of chicken. I always have this song and music video in my head when i walk around: bittersweet symphony. The lyrics are very appropriate too, for India, or maybe life in general. But the things is, as chaotic as the traffic is, there is order in the chaos and it works.

My new objective for traveling now is food. Because if you've seen one dirty 3rd world alleyway, you've seen them all. You've seen one ancient fort, you've seen them all. you've seen one temple/monastery/castle/etc... you've seen them all.

It rained in my last day in varanasi. I promised myself I will never ever visit india during the monsoons. The narrow twisted alleyway...good god. I was walking in dust-turned-silty-mud full of shit and piss. Cow shit, goat shit, dog shit, cat shit, human shit...every kind of shit imaginable i was wading through. jesus.

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