Sunday, January 8, 2012

India: Conclusion

I hate love hate love hate love India.
I could leave it at that, that probably communicates how I feel about India. But I want to elaborate a little more
The cliche dichotomy of "you either hate india, or you love it" was true for me in the beginning of my trip. I went back and forth between loving and hating this place during the first 2-3 weeks. But how do I feel about this place now? I really don’t know. Hate and love are very strong words. I think this illustration best communicates how I feel about India:
If Ron Paul were to become President of The United States and he decided to nuke this dirty, smelly, crowded, shit-filled country off the face of the Earth, I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it. But on the other hand, if someone gave me a plane ticket, I would come back with zero hesitation.

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