Thursday, January 5, 2012

Patna day 2

Speaking to a backpacker girl at the train station. we talked about our trips. She said she was doing India for 4 weeks, she asked me how long I was traveling for. I said 2-3 months between india, nepal, and SE Asia, I looked at her huge overstuffed backpack, I saw her looking at my relatively light backapck, then our eyes met and I knew I won that dick measuring contest.

riding the earth

This is the toilet in my current hotel room. About as bad as I've personally had to use in India. I had dark premonitions about that stick in the corner when I first saw it. And when I found out the toilet doesn't really flush my fears were realized. BUT, it turns out a big bucket of water in the bowl does the job just fine, stick not necessary.

But to put my toilet in context, here is a local indian fellow cleaning a street sewer.

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