Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Dear readers,
Plea's do not read this following post. This is free associative rambling that isn't really meant for public consumption.

Maybe the answer is there is no right question

maybe the answer is on page XXX of Veronika Decides to Die...No, never mind.

Found it! The question I've been looking for is on page XXX of Veronika Decides to Die! Perfectly worded and exactly the question I've been looking for!

I have found my question and my answer. The answer is that there is no right question to ask. LOL. How absurd. Apparently, kites had nothing to do with it.

singing and dancing in the rain, I realized maybe the answer isn't "there is no right question", maybe the answer is "don't ask questions". Questions like "what the hell did I just step in?" or "what is that smell?" Either I've watched Fight Club too many times, or Fight Club got it right with rule #1 of Project Mayhem: You do not ask questions.

This is what happens when you read Paulo Coehlo novels while traveling in exotic lands.

I have been unable to sleep well in Varanasi, I suspect my pillow is actually a sandbag. But I did find madness. And I found questions and answers that make no sense, but still bring closure.

Dear reader, if you've read this and come this far against my wishes you might as well have a picture of a granite vagina:

(this is where i quip: I'd like to mine that quarry)

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