Friday, January 27, 2012


I’m in kathmandu now. This city is a bit of a dump. The outskirts of the city are extremely poor, all concrete bunker houses. I don’t know what it is about Third World countries but they are all full of half finished buildings. Every building in the city and in the countryside seems to be half completed with rebar sticking out of exposed concrete pillars and unfinished brick walls.

But, Nepal is a lot cleaner and nicer than India. The people are nicer, they don’t spit like Indians, the streets are (relatively) cleaner, the traffic isn’t as bad, etc…

I went to a famous stupa right outside kathmandu, Swayambhu Stupa. It was an interesting 30 minute walk through the streets of the city to the hilltop site. The complex has over 3000 prayer wheels supposedly and is a very sacred site. Tourists call it the “monkey temple” because of all the monkeys around it.

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