Sunday, August 1, 2010

San Jose day two

This STD store was a total rip off. I paid USD$15 for gonorrhea. I later found out I could have gotten it from the woman on the street corner a couple blocks down for $12.

Living costs here can be pretty high but I found some decent places that serve cheap food. These set plates are 1,700 colones which is a little over 3 dollars. clockwise from the salad, it is melon stuff, beans, beef thing and rice in the center, and it comes with a juice drink. Pretty good deal.

This is the park a couple of blocks from my hostel. It's really big and has a pond, there is supposed to be canopy zip lines and Go Carts, but I didn´t find them. There were lots of people there playing soccer and having picnics and just enjoying the good weather. The weather in San Jose is pretty good. It´s been perfect cool weather for jeans and t shirts. The sky is overcast all day so I don´t have to worry about walking around in the hot sun. and it starts to rain after dark.

There are these guys who perform at this intersection during red lights. This guy twirls the hourglass shaped thing on a string between two sticks, another guy juggles balls and bowling pins. The perform during the red light, then ask for money from the cars. I wonder if this is worse than selling little bags of peanuts for 5 quetzalis in Guatemala.

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