Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rum and Coke in a can?!

Rum and coke in a can?! What will they think of next? Mint Mojitos in a box?

How do I know I am acculturizing to central american life? I get annoyed when I see toilet paper in the toilet instead of the wastebasket where it belongs. I remember those young naive days when I didn't understand and hated the waste basket...

Life in the hostel here is easy, maybe too easy. It's a little too much like home that it makes me uncomfortable. I watched The Prince of Persia and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button the past couple of nights. I also read The Other Boleyn Girl (that was made into a perfectly casted motion picture movie with Scarlet Johannson and Natalie Portman). I haven't seen the movie yet, but luckily, the hostel has a copy of the movie, so I am definitly going to watch it now that I finished the book. It was a good read and would recommend it, I finished it in a couple of days, I couldn't put it down.

Yesterday, I walked around San Jose for many hours. the first time to find an english bookstore with Panama guidebooks, which I found in central san jose. The second time to find the Krav Maga gym. I walked for two hours around the Sabana/Escazu area and couldn't find the place.

I learned that hitting the alt+shift keys at the same time switches your keyboard settings to different languages and/or configurations.

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