Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Italian Girl In Algiers

Scene: Two americans, on a bus in Costa Rica, talking in Chinese, on the way to see an Italian opera.

Last night, I went to see an opera called The Italian girl in Algiers at the National Theatre. It was fun, the old historic theatre was beautiful (the president of Costa Rica was in attendance and his car worked perfectly fine afterwards).

The experience of going to an opera was really funny. There were lots of well-to-do looking ladies and gentlemen with jackets and suits. At intermission Cecilia and I were walking around the beautiful foyer and there would be these groups of well dressed intellectual types with glasses of wine in their hands and it looked...cliche, and you know how much I love cliches.

There was a guy sitting next to me during the opera that was incredible. He was caucasian, skinny, intellectual type, fairly young, in a dressed down jacket and shirt. He had intellectual wire framed glasses and would occasionally fan himself with the program pamphlet. He had very proper posture and would sit with his hands clasped on his lap. He frequently laughed a kind of "breathy chuckle" at humorous parts of the play, but he'd laugh at parts no one else did. I guess pretentious is the word I am looking for. I'm sure he's a very nice and interesting guy once you get to know him, but man, he was being such a pretentious asshole at the opera. And for that, I love him.

Me with a cigar in the stairwell during Intermission. I knew I was carrying that long sleeve dress shirt around Central America for a reason. It was a good thing I decided to dress up for the occasion (as dressed up as possible for a backpacker anyway). You can´t see it, but I am wearing running shoes.

The stairwell. The pictures are blurry because of inappropriate camera settings, apologies.

The historic sitting room where officials and elites would hold events.

The Teatro Nacional during the day.

End of the show when we were allowed to take pictures.

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