Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random Thoughts

Okay, okay, I got another one: What kind of bees make milk? (answer at botttom)

I nostalgia'ed hard after watching a Red Vs. Blue video for the first time in 5 years. The theme song was what did it, brought me back to those old carefree days at UW.

The most interesting thing to happen to me today was the mouse I saw squeezing itself into a crack in the sidewalk. I stepped outside of the hostel and saw this fat mouse, as soon as it saw me it dove into this hollow crack in the sidewalk. The crack was a half inch wide and maybe two to three inches long (that's what she said). It was funny cuz the fat mouse tried to run away but got stuck halfway through, so it's furry ass was sticking up and it's little legs were kicking in the air, until it finally wiggled it's way through. It was hilarious. It totally reminded me of that little hamster character in the movie Spirited Away. I threw a piece of a cracker down the hole as payment for the amusement.

Apparently, my krav maga teacher is ex-Special Forces and does intelligence and private security work on the side. He has shrapnel scars from Somalia... anyway, he says that intelligence says latin america is going to blow up in next year or two. Between Venezuela, and Nicaragua(!?) and the resource rich south american continent, shit is going down.

Ship cats:

answer: boobies.

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