Thursday, August 12, 2010

An Alligator walks into a bar...

This alligator walks into a bar and grabs a seat. The bartender approaches and tells him to "GTFO, we don't serve your kind here." The alligator's all like "WTF yo! Look, you better give me a drink see that blonde over there? I'll fucking eat her. Right here in front of everyone." And then the bartender's all like, "Pssh...go ahead motherfucker, I'm still not serving you." So the alligator goes up to the blonde and swallows her in one big gulp...a half hour later, the alligator wakes up passed out in his own vomit outside the bar. Confused, he gets up and goes back in, sees the bartender and demands, "You drugged me! What the fuck did you do to me!" The bartender says...(drumroll please)... "Hey buddy I didn't do a was that bar-bitch-u-ate. Lol.


  1. I'd like that 30 seconds of my life back

  2. james! john and i will be in sanfran from the 27th to the 29th would you care to have a drink with us one of those nights?

  3. then were off to burning man!..
    ivan i thought its was funny.
