Thursday, March 1, 2012


Holy shit, I'm in Vietnam.

First thing I did in Vietnam was get two hundred US dollars worth of dongs.

Then, I went to Vung Tau to catch a 5-6 foot (face) swell. But as Colonel Kilgore said, "charlie don't surf!"...and the reason charlie don't surf is because of the ridiculously strong on-shore winds that blow all day, every day. My hopes for surfing in vietnam have been dashed. I knew the winds were bad here, but I thought that I might be able to catch the morning glass, but apparently "morning glass" doesn't translate very well into vietnamese.

In Vietnam, there is an ethnic minority that worships Liam Neeson as their god. Despite harsh religious persecution from majority groups and after many years of movie screenings to raise funds, they built this 28 meter high statue of their actor-god on a mountain in Vung Tau.

Pho, this particular bowl was really sour. I couldn't tell if it was rotten or if that was supposed to be the flavor. I didn't get sick so I guess it was just the flavor. But then again, after India and all the literal and figurative shit I've eaten off the streets, I feel like my stomach is pretty rugged and manly now.

Ho Chi Min City. Is pretty cool. I really like this city. it's got a good vibe. it's modern, but gritty at the same time. I like vietnam in general. I really do.

Me watching the mush at Vung Tau. This place was a beach resort town, but totally second rate. the water was murky, the sand was full of garbage and not nice. The only food you could get was either pho, bun or fried rice.

stupid CSS.


  1. Hey, Sorry about you and Suri. But I think we all saw it coming. You can do better. Come back home. We have hot showers with water pressure, privacy, openings at L5, costco, dollars. I guess we just miss you. . . stay and adventure.

    Have fun in Vietnam.

  2. Did you just get the postcard?! I sent that thing a lifetime ago.

    I want to keep going, but I don't know where to go.

    1. PS: just figured out the "stay and adventure" syntax. I like it.
