Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cu Chi Tunnels

went to the popular Cu Chi Tunnels exhibit right outside of Saigon. It's an exhibit of the tunnels the Viet Cong lived in and fought from during the war. It was pretty interesting. I got to crawl through the tunnels and see all the different booby traps the VC used to deter GI's. I shot an AK-47. It was fun.

And it shows why an imperialist invading force can never defeat and win against a dedicated homegrown guerilla insurgency that has the support of the local population.

I had to pay 15 dollars to fire 10 rounds with the AK-47. I thought it was a bit expensive. The bullets looked pretty old and possibly war remnants. Then I started laughing at the thought that the Vietnamese were selling Americans their own war bullets back to them.

I realized that only rich westerners with too much time on their hands would pay money to crawl through a dirt tunnel.

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