Sunday, March 4, 2012

random pics

Bar's Bar. The place bars go to for a few drinks after a hard day's work of being a bar. I couldn't resist and had a drink there. It was acutally a posh place: Dim lighting, overstuffed chairs, dark wood decor, 5% service charge and 10% tax added, professional staff, good whiskey, etc...

This is ice cream. The thing that looks like real cabbage leaves is white chocolate.

Typical street vendor selling random stuff. In this case, sunglasses and zippos. There are also many locals who walk carrying a stack of books for sale. These books are all photocopies. They have the original cover art and everything, but the image and the text on the pages all have the distinctive photocopied blurriness to them. They have pretty decent titles like Catch-22, The Ten Thousand Day War, and other good titles I can't remember.

Random pic of typical street in kathmandu city.

backpackers in the backpackers ghetto drinking beer from the street side bars with the famous tiny plastic chairs that make you feel like you're peeing in an elementary school urinal.

back in chiang mai, some of the other wwoofers playing soccer with local kids.

The father of the smal hotel I stayed at in Ho Chi Minh (aka Saigon). I guess the family sleeps on the tile floor like that because it's cooler. The wife sleeps in a little alcove between the ground floor and first floor.

His snoring was terrifying. It sounded as if the man was suffering from night terrors, sleep apnea, nightmares, severe sinus congestion and drowning by orangutan all at the same time. I could hear his snoring from my THIRD floor room. With the door closed.

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