Tuesday, March 6, 2012

America, FUCK YAH!

The Vietnam War, as presented by the Saigon War Remnants Musuem:

Just as interesting as the photo exhibit, was the reaction of the white tourists. You could see the shock and horror on many of their faces, you could almost see their illusions about America fall apart in front of you.

Just as depressing as the photo exhibit, is the fact all those white people were so shocked by these images. It was new to them! I don't want to sound like I'm so cool and smart and seen so much but a lot of those images weren't even that graphic, and many of them were iconic images from the war (like the napalm girl and the 4 photo spread of the rookie helicopter gunner turned veteran). And it was really sad hearing these people talk about America and it's militant hypocrisy as if it was a new development. That much ignorance is just unforgivable.

This girl seemed affected.

This girl looked like she was going to cry.

Affects of agent orange and the other chemical weapons used by the US.

Some things never change.

But to be fair to the white tourists, many girls from a group of Japanese highschool students were very traumatized by the photos as well.

Phosphourous munition victim.

This guy was wearing a military flak-vest looking vest (with no shirt underneath). Bro couldn't handle the "Historic Truths". I hope he felt like a douchebag walking around the musuem wearing that very martial looking vest.

This picture was from a gallery of paintings by children. According to the kid who drew this picture, their ideal world is one that consists of peace and harmony among all people, but only after all non-asians have been exterminated from the planet.

Visiting the musuem was a very interesting and worthwhile experience. 

And as awful as America's role in the war was, I must repeat that after traveling around the world a bit, I cant help but be grateful for the inhumane foreign policy that preserves our current way of life:

24 hour electricity, hot water, smooth roads, traffic lights, EPA, FDA, NBA, NFL, NASA, IRS (yes), science, Hollywood and polished entertainment media, relatively corruption free government and police force, supermarkets, crosswalks, no spitting, public trash collection, free education, politeness and consideration for others, empathy, generosity, freedom of religion, welfare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, emergency medical care, cheap oil, freeways, awesome music, fixed prices, equal rights, women's rights, sense of self-responsibility, queuing, street cleaning, class action lawsuits, clean water, tipping, birth control, etc.... God bless america... 


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