Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Halo Guest House, De Tham, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

I really hate this hostel I'm in right now. I've stayed at worse places that were more expensive, but something about this place and the way they do things here has gotten under my skin.

The last thing they do at night is turn on the AC and the first thing they do in the morning is turn it off. And they keep the AC just cool enough to say it's not warm. An employee comes into the dorm every 30 minutes, not to service the dorm, not to empty the trash can full of used toilet paper, but to turn off lights they deem unnecessary and to close the door even though people are inside. The english signs they have posted around are grammatically incorrect and almost incoherent, but the people that staff this travel-agency/hotel company speak fairly good english. They ask that we don't wear shoes in the dorm, but the floor is filthy. It is a 12 bed dormitory in a large room, but they have one fan for the twelve bodies that occupy the space in this 35 degree celsius weather. They gave me two different keys for the lockers and both of them opened lockers that already had other people's things in it. Af you're unlucky enough to sleep next to the window, the evening is full of traffic noise and bad cover music from the bars outside. One of the employees took a nap in one of the beds during the hot vietnam afternoon, I'm sure he was dirty and sweaty and I'm sure he didn't change the sheets for the next customer who was going to pay for the bed.

The only redeeming factor is that they charged me a half-night for my last day here because I am catching an overnight sleeper bus to Nha Trang.

I'm still going to downvote the fuck out of this place on

update: they're not on tripadvisor.

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