Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Zion, Bryce and GC Summary

I'm going to brag a little and talk about how awesome everything worked out for me on this trip.  I was three for three with my travel goals based off of my Feb 21st post: :

Selfie at Grand Canyon: Check.

Naked picture at the top of Angel's Landing?  Done and Done (still can't believe I pulled this one off)

Dinner at Leopolds: Check. Check plus 5 liter boots of beers with bosomy Aryans in leiderhosens.
I ordered the trout and it was delicious.  Went with James, his girlfriend and her friend Dasha. Ended up drinking at a private club till about...late...then i slept for a few hours before waking up to catch my flight home.

The trip was made better by the fact I made the right decisions around the weather. The flights I caught were great too.  First Class from Hawaii to SFO had guava mimosas.  SFO to PHX was a perfectly normal short hop.  PHX back to SFO illustrated how the little decisions we make shapes the pleasure's and pains of our lives. .. 

...Who would have thought that a little mouse click, a difference of random millimeters on the computer screen during the seat selection process of booking an airline ticket online  could work out so well.  On my flight back to SFO from PHX, the plane was completely full...except for the seat between me and a quiet self-contained businessman.  That one person I was supposed to sit next to didn't make the flight, so i had all the leg room i needed.  In contrast, in the row in front of me, in the middle seat, sat this mean crazy bitch who was all attitude coming on to the plane and she started crying and sobbing with her head between her legs the whole flight, i think she might have been puking too, although if she was, she was very discreet about it.  I think she had motion sickness or was just terrified of flying or something.   All i know is, if i had clicked on one seat instead of another when i bought my ticket over a month agao, my two hour flight would have gone much differently.  

Then, on the almost six hour flight from SFO back to HNL, the plane was mostly empty, so.... leg room for everybody!  it was fantastic.  Plus, I love Hawaiian Airlines, they are the best.  They serve free meals, the only airline that still does that, AND they ended the flight into Hawaii with a FREE  tropical rum punch!  awesome! 

Also, the fact that my original flight got cancelled made these pleasantries possible, and i realize in hindsight that it was a good thing that flight got cancelled cuz if had tried to catch the red eye, that first night's lack of sleep would have really made my life difficult for the rest of the trip.  As it was, my sleep and energy levels was quite tolerable this trip. And I doubt United would have given me free meals and booze and tons of leg room on my trip.  

AND, while waiting in SFO, i got to see this guy:

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