Sunday, March 9, 2014

My biological clock is ticking.  I learned on this trip that my body isn't getting any younger or stronger and if i want to do another epic around the world backpacking trip...well...the clock is ticking.

forced intimacy:  sitting on an airplane with others. sharing a hotel room with an unknown coworker.

I slept with my the same hotel room during our work conference.

I'm thinking about small town america and the prospects for an individual born and raised in one of those places places to go somewhere grander, less depressing and with a horizon... how difficult it must be.  I guess this is where student loans, not getting pregnant, good test scores, money, talent, ambition, life skills all come into play for a child wanting to leave small town America.  Good luck if your poor, god help you if your native american living on a reservation.

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