Monday, March 24, 2014

Home Improvement!

Before: the problem was that this old tub spout leaked whenever i pulled the tab for the shower head.  This meant I was losing precious water pressure and precious hot water (it felt like mostly hot water was being lost through the leaking).  I bought a cheap plastic spout from Home Depot cuz that was all they had but it didn't fit this particular situation. 

During:  So i came here during my lunch break.  It was a surprisingly entertaining errand. The guys who work there are good old local guys who seem to have a lot of fun and enjoy their work.  Probably, they were all pretty stoned too.  The guy who helped me out, just by looking at the old sprout I brought in, guessed where I live almost exactly.  He was only about two blocks off.  that was amazing.  I would recommend this place to anyone.  hours suck though, 7:30am to 4:30am Monday through Friday.  It's mostly geared towards professionals or harder to find parts and supplies, but quality stuff, and great staff for sure. 


after: shiny. 

Now I'm all good.  Lots of water pressure, lots of hot water, and all it took me was about 20 minutes of work. 

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